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The white Sarasvatī

The goddessssvatī is white, with one face and two hands, and sits in the half-vajra posture. Her face is like the full moon, and her eyes, which are as bright as blue lotuses, are beautifully moving. Her left hand holds a string of lapis lazuli beads, and her right hand, is stimulated. formation of her fingers produces an ocean of melodious sounds. Her hair, which is as black as a bee, is tied up in a topknot, and the top of her body is covered by a topknot that is half loosened. Her forehead is adorned with a white lotus, and the tips of her hair are adorned with various jewels. She is sixteen years of age, with prominent and full breasts. Her waist is slender, and she is charming and smiling. She wears a white upper garment of divine material and a lower garment that is as bright and flowing as Indra’s bow. She is adorned with many precious jewels such as crown jewels, necklaces, bracelets, rings, belts, necklaces, necklaces, and garlands of pearls. If you exert yourself in the meditation and recitation of this deity, you will be unhindered in teaching, debating, and composing, and you will master the speech of speech. These are the benefits of supremely increasing the light of wisdom in all fields of knowledge. It was transmitted to Tibet by BodongPaṇchenChoklé Namgyal and others.