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Yamāntaka, the Black Enemy with three faces

Yamāntaka, the Black Enemy with three faces, stand on the back of an angry black buffalo adorned with bone ornaments, on a crossed lotus and sun and is blue in colour, with three faces and six arms. His body color and root face are blue, his right face is white, his left face is red, and his right hands hold a wheel and a sword. His left hand holds a corpse impaled on a stake, an axe, and a vajra lasso. Embracing the wisdom of self-radiance, his tongue moves, his fangs are bared, and he has three eyes, an orange beard, eyebrows, and hair standing up. His body is short and his belly hangs down. His limbs are coarse and the eight great nāgas adorn him. He has a crown of five dry human heads and a necklace of fifty fresh blood-dripping heads. He stands with his right leg drawn in and left leg extended. The eight male and four female deities surrounding him have three faces and six arms, making thirteen, including the principal one.