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Vajrabhairava with the Eight Vetālas

Vajrabhairava with the Eight Vetālas is dark blue in color, with one face and two arms. He holds a curved knife in his right hand and a skull cup in his left hand and sits on a multi-coloured lotus and sun seat in the posture of left leg extended. He is surrounded by eight great vetālas, his retinue. All of them are black in color, with the faces of angry rākṣasas. They have one face, two arms, and three eyes. Their mouths are open and their fangs are bared. Their tawny hair swirls upward. They are naked, with their red liṅga standing upright. They hold a hooked knife in their right hands and a blood-filled skull cup in their left hands. They stand with their right leg drawn in and left leg extended.