The Yellow Vajrabhairava with a buffalo face is dark blue colour, with one face and two arms. He holds a gem in his right hand and a skull-cup and a trunk of dūrvā grass in his left hand. He dresses in silken garments and ornaments of jewels. He stands majestically in the posture of the right leg drawn in and the left leg extended. At his heart is the face of yellow Manjushiri, slightly wrathful and adorned with the ornaments of a youth. On the moon seat at his heart is Yello Jñānasattva, the Wisdom Being, with one face and two arms. He brandishes a jewel and a Khadga in his right hand and a dūrvā grass and a book in his left hand. The samādhi being is a yellow letter HŪṂ with light rays emanating.
It is said that this has the ritual action of killing the Viṣa and is called the “poisons powered peacock” and is praised for removing poison. If one analyzes the statement that this lineage passed from Vajradhara to Rongpa Sherap Sengé and has continued through Nyamé DrakpaGyaltsen to the present, I think it is the Sakya tradition. In the Ra tradition, the color of the deity is red black, the number of faces and hands, and so forth are different.