The thirteenth deity of Cakrasamvara mandala is blue in color, with four faces and twelve arms. The root face is blue, the left face is green, the right face is yellow, and the back face is red. Each face possess three eyes and a skull crown. He has six bone ornaments, a skirt of tiger skin and a necklace of fifty fresh human heads.
Out of twelve hands, the first two hold a vajra and a bell (ghaṇṭā) and embrace the red feminine consort Vajra vārāhī who is holding a curved knife and skull, and the two lower ones hold a stretched elephant skin behind their body.
The remaining right hands hold a hand drum/ Damaru, axe, curved knife, and trident. The remaining left hands hold a Khatramga/a trident, skull, lasso and the head of Brahma. He stands on a seat on which he stands with his right leg extended pressing black Bhairava and his left leg bent in which its pressing on red kālarātrī.
The retinue deities consist of twelve Dakinis, all with one face, three eye and possess four hands. The two right hands hold a damaru/hand drum and knife, and the two left hands holds a skull and a trident [bearing three heads]. They are standing on human corpse seats with their right legs extended. These are the thirteen principal and secondary deities.