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Orgyen Kater Rabgye Ling (Nyingma, Kollegal)

Orgyen Kater Rabgye Ling was established in 2022 at Kollegal Dhondenling in South India after Kyabje Karma Kuchen granted land to Khenpo Pema Chophel with the suggestion to build a place for people to make offerings and prayers. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Kyabje Drubwang Pednor Rinpoche, and Karma Kuchen visited, blessed the monastery, and performed consecration ceremonies with prayers for it to become a center for the flourishing of the dharma. The monastery houses a Buddha statue, the complete Kangyur and Tengyur collections, and stupas. The monastery includes meditation facilities, a philosophical college, and a preliminary school. The nine-year study program covers Vinaya, Abhidharma, Prajnaparamita, Madhyamaka, Valid Cognition, the Three Vows, the Five Treatises of Maitreya, and both outer and inner tantras - primarily focusing on Mahayoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga texts. Students also study Tibetan grammar, poetry, history and religious history. In short, they study the unique textual traditions from Sutra through Mahayana to Dzogchen, along with their commentaries. The monastery observes Buddha's special days, tenth-day ceremonies, and fasting retreats. They also perform rituals as directed by the Department of Religion and Culture for His Holiness the Dalai Lama's long life and the general welfare of Tibet's religion and politics. Currently, there are 72 monks in residence.

Name: Orgyen Kater Rabgye Ling (Nyingma, Kollegal)
Street: Modahalli,
Address 2: Kollegal Taluk, Dhondenling Tibetan Settlement,
City: Kollega
State: Karnataka
Postal code: 571457
Country: INDIA
Map: 11.868839309747083, 77.24246512950639