The glorious Heruka for long life is white in color, with one face and two arms. The two hands hold Vajra and Bell, and he is hugging the female consort. He has three eyes and bares his fangs. He is adorned with six bone ornaments and a tiger skin. With his left leg bent, he holds down a black Vajrabhairava.With the right extended, he presses down on the red Kalachakra.
The mother is red Vajravārāhī with one face and two arms. She has three eyes and loose hair. Her right hand holds a flaying knife and her left hand a skull cup. She wears a diadem of five dry skulls and a crystal vase of fifty fresh ones. She has the five symbolic ornaments and stands embracing the father with her right leg bent and left leg stretching. If one does meditation upon this deity and follows its profound instructions, it is said that one’s lifespan will increase. Many scholars have composed different rituals regarding long life practice of this deity.